What if the journey from where you are 
to where God wants you to be





JAN 26 - 30, 2025
Sessions at 4:30, 6:15 and 7:15 PM


Do we just pick the course we want to attend each night and assume they last about an hour each?

Each course is a 5 session course. So you will choose a course for each time slot and go to that same course each night. For example, if you register for Dr. Greg's 6:15 pm course, you’ll attend that course every day at 6:15 pm.

Do I need to bring soup or chili Wednesday night?

YES! If you would like to bring a soup or chili, please fill out the form or contact Melanie Lenow at mlenow@morrisonheights.org or 601-925-6439.
Click here to signup to bring soup/chili

Does the registration price account for all five nights (except meals) or is that for each night/course?

The registration price covers all five nights, no matter whether you take classes at 4:30pm, 6:15pm, 7:15pm, or all three time slots. It also covers materials/books.
What if the journey from where you are to 
where God wants you to be STARTS HERE?






4:30 PM
The Book of Ruth led by Dr. Greg Belser
In this study of the book of Ruth, we will explore themes of loyalty, providence, and redemption, while emphasizing the interplay of human action and divine purpose. We will also highlight the inclusion of a Moabite woman in Israel’s royal lineage, underscoring covenantal faithfulness and divine grace.
Living Victoriously in Difficult Times led by Sonya Auston (for Women only)
When painful or frustrating circumstances invade our lives, a lot of questions can arise. Is there a purpose in our pain? How long will this last? In this workshop we will examine what the Bible says about suffering and why God allows it. We will learn what it takes to persevere, find joy, and glorify God while walking in His strength.

5:15 PM
Newk's Sandwiches ($10 add-on for adults, $5 for kids)
Chick-Fil-A Boxes ($10 add-on for adults, $5 for kids)
Taco Tuesday ($10 add-on for adults, $5 for kids)
Soup & Chili Fellowship
6:00 PM
Opening Assembly: All Adults & Students meet in Worship Center
Bible Art: Creating with God (3 year olds - 3rd grade)
Each night kids will create a different art project that reminds them of the beauty and greatness of God to go along with the night’s Bible study. Age appropriate lessons will be taught for each group.
What To Wear: A Kids Bible Study on Looking Like Jesus (4th - 6th grade)
Based on Colossians 3:1-14, preteens will learn from the Apostle Paul about their identity in Christ and how to “dress” the part by learning how to put on humility, meekness, patience, forbearance, forgiveness, and love.
6:15 PM
Students encouraged to choose any workshop below
The Book of Ruth led by Dr. Greg Belser
In this study of the book of Ruth, we will explore themes of loyalty, providence, and redemption, while emphasizing the interplay of human action and divine purpose. We will also highlight the inclusion of a Moabite woman in Israel’s royal lineage, underscoring covenantal faithfulness and divine grace.
The Doctrine of God led by Dr. Timothy Gatewood
A.W. Tozer once wrote, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” If this is true, then we must examine our thoughts about God and ensure that they are aligned with the teaching of the Bible and the testimony of the Church. To that end, this course will examine the classical understanding of the divine attributes and their benefits to the lives of Christians now and throughout history.
What Do You Say When? A Parent’s Guide to Navigating Cultural Chaos for Children and Teens led by Paige Atkinson
Over time, small conversations with our children help mold their worldview. As they grow, their questions become more challenging. Andrew and Christian Walker’s book will help us learn how to effectively respond to our children’s questions on a wide range of hot-button topics. 
The Money Challenge by Art Rainer led by Matt Brown
God didn't create us to be secure, self-protective hoarders, but to become the conduit through which his generosity flows! You and your money were meant for an exciting, adventurous, and satisfying purpose. The Money Challenge leads you on a challenging, biblically based journey toward financial health – to help you experience life the way God intended.
Share Your Faith led by Tim Peabody
We are called to share our faith with others through our everyday life. At work, the store, our schools, throughout our community. Do you ever wonder how to do that? Do you need help and accountability? Join this workshop to renew your passion for others and learn how to share your faith.

Living Victoriously in Difficult Times led by Sonya Auston (for Women only)
When painful or frustrating circumstances invade our lives, a lot of questions can arise. Is there a purpose in our pain? How long will this last? In this workshop we will examine what the Bible says about suffering and why God allows it. We will learn what it takes to persevere, find joy, and glorify God while walking in His strength.
At the Feet of the Father: Bible Tools and Resources led by Christina Caldwell
In a world of Martha’s, it is hard to be a Mary and just be at the feet of Jesus (Luke 10:38-42).  We are taught the importance of reading the Bible and developing study habits, but how do we do that?  This workshop will be hands on with learning different study methods, tools, and resources to help return to the feet of the Father so that we, too, can listen to what He has to tell us.
7:15 PM
Childcare Only (Birth - Kindergarten)
What Does It Mean To Be A Christian? led by Paige Atkinson (1st - 6th grade)
Whether your child is a new believer or one who is still learning and asking questions, this workshop is designed to help children learn how to follow Jesus, and learn what it means to be a believer of Jesus Christ.
Students encouraged to choose any workshop below
The Doctrine of God led by Dr. Timothy Gatewood
A.W. Tozer once wrote, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” If this is true, then we must examine our thoughts about God and ensure that they are aligned with the teaching of the Bible and the testimony of the Church. To that end, this course will examine the classical understanding of the divine attributes and their benefits to the lives of Christians now and throughout history.
Cultural Sanctification by Stephen Presley led by Jerry Reagan
Amid a pagan culture that regarded their faith with suspicion, early Christians founded a religious movement that transformed the ancient world. Many of the challenges the early church faced were unique to that time, but similarities between the early church and its relationship to the broader cultural world are evident. According to Presley, "...you can't get out of the first three centuries of the church without recognizing that the church is embedded in a culture that is often set against them." Using examples from the early church, he draws lessons for practicing authentic, pious discernment in how we engage with the wider culture.
Biblical Marriage led by Philip and Lisa Gunn
Marriage is about more than being happy…it’s about the glory of God. Join us as we explore the Bible’s rich teaching on marriage God’s way. 
Teaching the Bible in Small Groups led by Tim Peabody
Every teacher wants small group Bible study to be biblical, and most teachers want small group Bible study to be interactive. In this class you’ll learn how to craft a biblical discussion that engages your entire group in learning and applying the Bible. 
Studying the Bible in Its Context led by Sara Renick
Contrary to popular opinion, the Bible isn't up for interpretation (2 Peter 1:20, 21). Each author, guided by God, had one meaning in mind when he wrote; our job as diligent students is to correctly understand that meaning. Looking at cultural and linguistic context plus specific types of literature, this hands-on workshop will give you simple tools to study any book of the Bible well.
Walking Together: Mentoring Tools for Women led by Melanie Lenow (for Student Girls/Women only)
We need one another. Yet we often don’t know how to develop relationships with other ladies that help us grow in the Christian life. If you are interested in meeting with women of all ages to discuss discipleship topics that are guaranteed to help you love God and his Church more, this class is for you! The goal is to have many women of various ages together to discuss the things of God and build relationships beyond small talk. If you are a lady from the ages of 14 to 94, I’d love to see you there.
Thoughts for Young Men led by Russ Granberry (for Student Guys/Men only)
Thoughts for Young Men is practical, spiritual, and lively. Abounding in advice and good sense, it is still as relevant and helpful in the twenty-first century as it was when it was first published in 1865. Ryle first gives general reasons for exhorting young men, before moving on to special dangers for young men, counsel for young men, and special rules for young men.

What if the journey from where you are to 
where God wants you to be STARTS HERE?


We exist to proclaim the greatness of God through Jesus Christ as the eternal hope of all peoples.
Copyright © 2021 Morrison Heights Baptist Church
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