Dr. Greg Belser

Morrison Heights Baptist Church is pastored by Dr. Greg Belser. For over forty years, sixteen and counting of those spent at Morrison Heights, Dr. Greg has helped Christians and new believers understand the Bible and grow deeper in their faith. He is known for his practical and dynamic teaching style which helps people apply the timeless truths of Scripture to their everyday lives. If you ask him what he loves most about Morrison Heights, he will tell you that he loves the people and being a part of a church where people matter and where you get to serve others for the sake of the Savior. His desire is for Morrison Heights to continue to be a place where people can meet Jesus and tell the world that our loving God sent His Son to rescue us from eternal separation.
Throughout his ministry career, Dr. Greg has served as Minister to Youth, Minister to Singles, Associate Pastor and Senior Pastor. He has been privileged to preach at SBC meetings, state conventions, pastors' conferences, Bible conferences, and men's conferences. He is a regular contributor to Midwestern Seminary's For the Church, a board member for Life Action ministries. He also currently teaches adjunctly for New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, investing in those who desire to share Christ with others. His educational accomplishments include BBA, Corpus Christi State University; Master of Divinity, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; and a Doctor of Ministry, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dr. Greg has been married to Susan for forty-one years, and together they have three daughters - Lindsay, Ashley, and Bethany, all of who are happily married to men involved in the ministry. Also joining the family are nine precious grandchildren. When he finds himself with a little free time, he enjoys reading, playing golf, and operating power tools.


We exist to proclaim the greatness of God through Jesus Christ as the eternal hope of all peoples.
Copyright © 2021 Morrison Heights Baptist Church
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